57 research outputs found

    Energy cooperation between the EU and Switzerland Partners by destiny in search of a new model. IES Policy Paper Issue 2020/01 ‱ January 2020

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    The gradual integration of EU energy policy has implications for the national energy policies of its neighbors. While members of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Energy Community implement large parts of the EU’s energy acquis, other third countries are also affected. Switzerland—physically integrated in the European energy grid but lacking a formalized mechanism of regulatory adaptation with the EU—is an interesting case in this respect, not least because of its implications for a UK-EU relationship post-Brexit. Currently, an EU-Switzerland electricity agreement is being negotiated but its conclusion remains highly uncertain. This briefing paper highlights that either outcome—with or without an electricity agreement—has important implications for the Swiss energy transition, Swiss access to European bodies of energy policy-making, and Swiss renewable investors. Yet, even without an electricity agreement, interdependence between the Swiss and EU electricity systems will increase, creating pressure to find alternative forms of cooperation

    A distributional limit law for the continued fraction digit sum

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    We consider the continued fraction digits as random variables measured with respect to Lebesgue measure. The logarithmically scaled and normalized fluctuation process of the digit sums converges strongly distributional to a random variable uniformly distributed on the unit interval. For this process normalized linearly we determine a large deviation asymptotic.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    How EU external energy policy has become ‘supranationalised’ – and what this means for European integration

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    Since the beginning of European integration, EU member states have been reluctant to share competences over their external energy relations. Against this backdrop, the new requirement to have bilateral energy agreements assessed by the Commission implies a surprising expansion of supranational powers in energy diplomacy. Philipp Thaler and Vija Pakalkaite take a closer look at this development and find that it is closely linked to a novel instrument for compliance governance. As peculiar as this case may seem at first sight, the underlying procedural expansion of supranational governance capacity may play a growing role in future chapters of European integration

    Following, Challenging, or Shaping: Can Third Countries Influence EU Energy Policy?

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    Can non-EU member states influence the EU’s energy policy? The Europeanization of energy policy in third countries is often described as a one-directional process in which these countries essentially adopt the EU energy acquis. Our article questions this dominant view by exploring whether and how third countries can influence the formulation and implementation of EU energy policy. We argue that relative differences in third country influence depend on their access to relevant venues and actors of EU policy-making as well as their structural power resources. We develop a typology linking these two factors to the outsider, follower, challenger, or shaper roles that third countries assume in EU energy governance. We empirically probe our argument in three case studies representing different models of EU–third country cooperation. Our cases include a group of nine Southeast and East European countries (Energy Community), Switzerland (bilateral arrangements), and Norway (European Economic Area). The analysis shows that it is access and structural power which together define the extent to which third countries are able to influence the formulation of EU energy policy and customize its implementation to their domestic needs. We find that while the Energy Community members are followers in EU energy governance, Switzerland and Norway are shapers. Strikingly, the influence of these two non-EU members may occasionally even surpass that of smaller EU member states. This highlights that third countries are not merely downloading EU energy regulation but sometimes also succeed in uploading their own preferences. Our contribution has implications for the post-Brexit EU–UK energy relations and qualifies claims about EU regulatory hegemony in the wider region

    Intraperitoneal Activation of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Patients with Cirrhosis and Ascites

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    Development of ascites is the most common form of decompensation of cirrhosis. We aimed to investigate the coagulation system in ascitic fluid and plasma of patients with cirrhosis. We determined coagulation parameters and performed clotting and fibrinolysis experiments in ascitic fluid and plasma of thoroughly characterized patients with cirrhosis and ascites ( n  = 25) and in plasma of patients with cirrhosis but without ascites ( n  = 25), matched for severity of portal hypertension. We also investigated plasma D-dimer levels in an independent cohort of patients ( n  = 317) with clinically significant portal hypertension (HVPG ≄ 10 mmHg), grouped according to ascites severity. Ascitic fluid was procoagulant in a clotting assay. The procoagulant potential of ascitic fluid was abolished by depletion of extracellular vesicles from ascitic fluid by filtration or by addition of a tissue factor-neutralizing antibody. Compared with plasma, extracellular vesicle-associated tissue factor activity was high in ascitic fluid, while activities of other coagulation factors were low. The extracellular vesicle-depleted fraction of ascitic fluid induced fibrinolysis, which was prevented by aprotinin, indicating the presence of plasmin in ascitic fluid. Plasma peak thrombin generation and parameters reflecting fibrinolysis were independently associated with the presence of ascites. Finally, plasma D-dimer levels were independently linked to ascites severity in our second cohort comprising 317 patients. In conclusion, coagulation and fibrinolysis become activated in ascites of patients with cirrhosis. While tissue factor-exposing extracellular vesicles in ascitic fluid seem unable to pass the peritoneal membrane, fibrinolytic enzymes get activated in ascitic fluid and may re-enter the systemic circulation and induce systemic fibrinolysis

    Effect of a 14-day course of systemic corticosteroids on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p>As supra-physiological intake of corticosteroids is a well known risk factor for the development of adrenal insufficiency, we investigated the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during a 14-day course of systemic corticosteroids in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using clinical and laboratory measures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic clinical and laboratory assessment including measurement of basal cortisol levels and the response to low dose (1 ÎŒg) ACTH stimulation was performed in nine patients before, on the first and the last day of treatment, as well as 2, 7 and 21 days after corticosteroid withdrawal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At baseline, all nine patients had normal responses to 1 ÎŒg ACTH. On the first day of steroid treatment, 78% had a blunted peak cortisol response. This percentage increased to 89% after 14 days of steroid treatment. 78%, 33% and 33% of the patients had a blunted cortisol response to ACTH 2, 7, and 21 days after corticosteroid withdrawal, respectively. ROC curve analysis revealed that only basal cortisol concentrations (AUC 0.89), but not ACTH concentrations (AUC 0.49) or clinical signs (AUC 0.47) were predictive of an impaired function of the HPA axis. Basal cortisol levels of > 400 and < 150 nmol/l were 96% and 100% sensitive for a normal or pathological response to the ACTH stimulation test, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Immediate and prolonged suppression of the HPA axis is a common finding in otherwise asymptomatic patients undergoing systemic steroid treatment for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and can reliably be assessed with the low-dose ACTH test.</p

    Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey

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    Kontaktloses Taekwondo als sozialpÀdagogische Intervention : empirische Untersuchungen zum Training von Selbstkontrolle und zur Verringerung von AggressivitÀtsfaktoren

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die Frage nach geeigneten Kampfsportarten, welche fĂŒr die Gestaltung von sozialpĂ€dagogischen Maßnahmen in Betracht gezogen werden können – mit Blick auf die Förderung von Selbstkontrolle, um auf AggressivitĂ€t und GewalttĂ€tigkeit bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden antworten zu können. Ausschlaggebende Faktoren, die innerhalb des Individuums liegen, können in der FĂ€higkeit zur Selbstkontrolle gesehen werden. Auf die Frage nach entsprechenden Fördermöglichkeiten existieren verschiedene Antworten aus Psychologie und PĂ€dagogik. Bei pĂ€dagogischen Maßnahmen wird teilweise auch Kampfsport in Betracht gezogen, wobei sich zeigt, dass massive Kritik vonseiten sozialpĂ€dagogischer Positionen an existierenden AnsĂ€tzen geĂ€ußert wird. Es wird u.a. kritisiert, dass dort Elemente enthalten sind, die eine besondere psychologische Qualifikation erfordern wĂŒrden. DarĂŒber hinaus wird von diesen AnsĂ€tzen vehement abgeraten. Dies wird als Anlass genommen, den möglichen Einsatz von Kampfsport zur sozialpĂ€dagogischen Förderung der Selbstkontrolle im Rahmen von gewaltprĂ€ventiven Zielsetzungen zu diskutieren. Im Zuge dessen wird festgestellt, dass es nicht eindeutig ist, welche Art von Kampfsport unter welchen Bedingungen gĂŒnstige Auswirkungen hat. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung soll hier mehr Klarheit geschaffen werden. In einem Methoden-Mix aus quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden werden verschiedene Varianten von Kampfsport (Taekwondo) untersucht, um – mit Blick auf ein Training der Selbstkontrolle – die Bedingungen zu diskutieren, die an die pĂ€dagogische Gestaltung von Kampfsportmaßnahmen zu richten sind. Das Vorgehen beinhaltet die DurchfĂŒhrung einer korrelativen Studie sowie von Experten-Interviews. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wodurch sich unterschiedliche AggressivitĂ€tswerte zwischen traditionellen und modernen Kampfsportvarianten erklĂ€ren lassen. Dazu wurde in einer quantitativen Erhebung ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob sich Unterschiede bei Distanzkampfsportarten nach der Art des Gegnerkontaktes finden lassen: Erhoben wurden AggressivitĂ€tsfaktoren (K-FAF) nach Heubrock und Petermann (2008) – darunter die Spontane AggressivitĂ€t (α=0,795), Reaktive AggressivitĂ€t (α=0,815), Erregbarkeit (α=0,856), SelbstaggressivitĂ€t (α=0,845) und die Summe der AggressivitĂ€t (α=0,833) (die Aggressionshemmung konnte mit einem Cronbachs α=0,505 nicht reliabel erhoben werden) – sowie die dispositionelle Selbstkontroll-KapazitĂ€t (α=0,791) (SCS-K-D; Bertrams & DickhĂ€user 2009). Es konnten Taekwondo-Schulen dreier verschiedener Varianten (n=165) befragt werden, nĂ€mlich einer (traditionellen) Variante ohne Kontakt (n=75), einer (traditionellen) mit Leichtkontakt (n=52) sowie einer (modernen) mit Vollkontakt (n=38). Bei der Untersuchung der Persönlichkeitsstruktur der Probanden bzw. der Persönlichkeitsfaktoren (BFI-10, german version) nach Rammstedt & John (2007) konnte nur die Extraversion (α=0,597) reliabel erhoben werden (fĂŒr die ĂŒbrigen wurde ein α<0,5 ermittelt). Die Skala zur Erfassung von TestverfĂ€lschung durch positive Selbstdarstellung und sozial erwĂŒnschter Antworttendenz (SEA-K) nach Satow (2012) konnte nicht reliabel erhoben werden (α=0,461). ZusĂ€tzlich wurden in einer qualitativen Erhebung (sechs Interviews) die aus der Forschung bekannten Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen traditionellen und modernen Varianten ĂŒberprĂŒft – und zwar in leitfadengestĂŒtzten (Experten-) Interviews mit Schulleitern der Variante ohne Kontakt (drei Interviews), mit Leichtkontakt (zwei Interviews) und Vollkontakt (ein Interview). Im Hauptergebnis der quantitativen Erhebung finden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den AggressivitĂ€tswerten zwischen der Variante ohne Kontakt und mit Leichtkontakt, etwa in der Summe der AggressivitĂ€t (Levene-Test: F=1,013; df1/df2=2/148; p=0,366; n.s.; Varianzanalyse: F=9,129; p=0,000; part. EtaÂČ=0,110; Bonferroni: p=1,000; n.s.) und zu beiden Varianten zeigen sich signifikant höhere Werte in der Vollkontaktvariante (Bonferroni: p=0,001; in beiden FĂ€llen). Signifikante Unterschiede finden sich dabei in der Selbstkontrolle zwischen der Vollkontakt- und Leichtkontaktvariante (Levene-Test: F=2,238; df1/df2=2/158; p=0,110; n.s.; Varianzanalyse: F=4,159; p=0,017; part. EtaÂČ=0,050; Bonferroni: p=0,014), im Alter zwischen der Variante ohne Kontakt und Leichtkontakt (Levene-Test: F=1,031; df1/df2=2/159; p=0,359; n.s.; Varianzanalyse: F=3,272; p=0,041; part. EtaÂČ=0,040; Bonferroni: p=0,035) sowie in der Zusammensetzung von Schwarz- zu Weiß- und Farbgurten (χÂČ=9,53; df=2; p=0,009; Cramer V=0,24; n=165), mit Hinweisen auf einen höheren Anteil an Schwarzgurten in der Vollkontaktvariante. Dabei besteht keine AbhĂ€ngigkeit zwischen der Art des Gegnerkontaktes und Geschlecht (χÂČ=1,112; df=2; p=0,574; n.s.) (das in allen Varianten gleich stark vertreten ist), Schulabschluss (χÂČ=8,516; df=4; p=0,074; n.s.) oder BerufstĂ€tigkeit (χÂČ=0,851; df=2; p=0,654; n.s.). Aus den Ergebnissen der qualitativen Erhebung ergibt sich, dass der Unterschied zwischen traditionellen und modernen Varianten (im Breitensport) nicht auf die Art des Gegnerkontaktes reduziert werden kann, aber vor allem darin zu sehen ist, dass gefĂ€hrlicher Körperkontakt negativ sanktioniert wird. Weniger deutlich sind die Unterschiede in Bezug auf das VerhĂ€ltnis von Formenlaufen gegenĂŒber Zweikampf, auf einen respektvollen Umgang und auf die Bedeutung von Meditation, Philosophie oder Wettkampf.The purpose of this work is to address the following question: what kind of martial arts can be considered suitable for the preparation of interventions that – within the disciplines of social pedagogy and social work – aim at training self-control while decreasing aggression and violence in youths and adults? Self-control can be described as crucial factor within individuals and there are different possibilities for enhancing self-control depending on a psychological or educational viewpoint. Whereas martial arts can be found in education there is much criticism being expressed by representatives of the area social pedagogy and social work. Amongst other things criticism concerns those elements of educational martial arts interventions that might require psychological qualifications. Above that, these interventions are vehemently being rejected for various reasons. This is taken as opportunity to discuss the possible application of martial arts for training self-control and to prevent violence. It can be said that it is not clear what kind of martial arts or what conditions can be associated with beneficial results. The aim of this work is to contribute to this question. With help of both quantitative and qualitative research methods different variants of taekwondo have been investigated in order to discuss conditions for the preparation of educational martial arts interventions. A correlative study has been conducted and experts have been interviewed. It has been asked how different values for aggressivity – found between traditional and modern martial arts – can be explained. In a quantitative study it has been tested if observable differences can be connected to the degree to which different variants of taekwondo allow for physical contact among participants: Measures consisted of the ‘Kurzfragebogen zur Erfassung von AggressivitĂ€tsfaktoren’ (K-FAF; Heubrock & Petermann 2008) containing scales for ‘Spontane AggressivitĂ€t’ (α = 0.795) ‘Reaktive AggressivitĂ€t’ (α = 0.815), ‘Erregbarkeit’ (α = 0.856), ‘SelbstaggressivitĂ€t’ (α = 0.845) and ‘Summe der AggressivitĂ€t’ (α = 0.833) (for ‘Aggressionshemmung’ Cronbach’s α = 0.505 which is not reliable) – and the ‘dispositionelle Selbstkontroll-KapazitĂ€t’ (α = 0.791) (SCS-K-D; Bertrams & DickhĂ€user 2009). Three different variants of taekwondo have been investigated (n = 165): one (traditional) variant without contact (n = 75), one (traditional) variant with light-contact (n = 52) and one (modern) variant with full-contact (n = 38). The measurement of the ‘Big Five Inventory’ (BFI-10, german version; Rammstedt & John 2007) showed no reliable results (α < 0,5) except for ‘Extraversion’ (α = 0.597). Furthermore, the ‘Skala zur Erfassung von TestverfĂ€lschung durch positive Selbstdarstellung und sozial erwĂŒnschter Antworttendenz’ (SEA-K; Satow 2012) showed no reliable result (α = 0.461). The qualitative research consisted of six half-structured interviews to examine the classification of ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ martial arts. For this purpose, interviews have been conducted with three headmasters of the traditional variant without contact, two headmasters of the traditional variant with light-contact and one headmaster of the variant with full-contact. Main results of the quantitative research indicate no significant differences between the variant without contact and the variant with light-contact concerning the ‘Summe der AggressivitĂ€t’ (Levene-Test: F=1.013; df1/df2=2/148; p=0.366; n.s.; ANOVA: F=9.129; p=0.000; part. EtaÂČ=0.110; Bonferroni: p=1.000; n.s.) and the (modern) variant with full-contact shows significantly higher values compared to both these (traditional) variants (Bonferroni: p=0.001; both times). At the same time, there exist significant differences concerning the values of self-control between the variants with light-contact and full-contact (Levene-Test: F=2.238; df1/df2=2/158; p=0.110; n.s.; ANOVA: F=4.159; p=0.017; part. EtaÂČ=0.050; Bonferroni: p=0.014) and concerning age between the variant without contact and the variant with light-contact (Levene-Test: F=1.031; df1/df2=2/159; p=0.359; n.s.; ANOVA: F=3.272; p=0.041; part. EtaÂČ=0.040; Bonferroni: p=0.035) and also concerning the rate of black-belts to non-black-belts (χÂČ=9.53; df=2; p=0.009; Cramer’s V=0.24; n=165) with a higher rate of black-belts within the variant with full-contact. Again, at the same time, there doesn’t seem to be a dependency between the different martial arts variants and gender (χÂČ=1.112; df=2; p=0.574; n.s.) (which is distributed equally throughout the variants), nor graduation (χÂČ=8.516; df=4; p=0.074; n.s.) nor professional activity (χÂČ=0.851; df=2; p=0.654; n.s.). Main results of the qualitative research show that differences between traditional and modern martial arts – as far as these are sports for the general public – cannot be reduced to questions of (the rate and intensity of) physical contact, but should primarily be associated with the degree to which harmful contact is negatively sanctioned. No differences have been found concerning the relative importance of the hyongs, as compared to sparring, or concerning respectful interactions or concerning meditation, philosophy and competition

    Kontaktloses Taekwondo als sozialpÀdagogische Intervention : empirische Untersuchungen zum Training von Selbstkontrolle und zur Verringerung von AggressivitÀtsfaktoren

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die Frage nach geeigneten Kampfsportarten, welche fĂŒr die Gestaltung von sozialpĂ€dagogischen Maßnahmen in Betracht gezogen werden können – mit Blick auf die Förderung von Selbstkontrolle, um auf AggressivitĂ€t und GewalttĂ€tigkeit bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden antworten zu können
